Dyeing for a weekend

Dyeing for a weekend is a development  of my workshops at Loddington.  See Events page .A day is just not enough, so I am currently planning my first weekend SpinAway Retreat there from 10-12th February for spinners, weavers, felters and dyers.   Although you may be DYING for a weekend away, you don’t have to DYE all the time – could be any spinning, weaving, felting or woolly project. The purpose is not tuition, but freedom to enjoy woolly things, with woolly people. Am so looking forward to setting up for the whole weekend and having the time and space to make a mess and do as I like. And taking a wine break while I wait for inspiration. As it includes catered meals there is no need to break off at a crucial creative moment. The setting is inspirational too, Longwool sheep graze the surrounding paddock and the bird feeders attract some wonderful sights such as these two bullfinches that turned up to Woolly day last time we were there.  A privilege to see such rare sights – just a few feet from the door! 


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