Dyeing for a weekend is a development of my workshops at Loddington. See Events page .A day is just not enough, so I am currently planning my first weekend SpinAway Retreat there from 10-12th February for spinners, weavers, felters and dyers. Although you may be DYING for a weekend away, you don’t have to DYE all the […]
Double weave book took just two days to complete – including the weaving. It is woven on a Knitters Loom with 2nd heddle on 7.5 reeds. Half the warp and all of the weft is in my yarn in spun on a drop spindle on the river Nene last year – see Water Yarn blog […]
Summer school on Thursday was about structure in spinning and weaving. We made boucle yarn, and did lots of weaving on knitters looms.
Weaving on Knitters Loom is easy to learn – and you can see the result at Woolly Day on Saturday 22n November. Jane produced this accomplished-looking piece using natural local yarns she had bought when visiting the north and Scottish Highlands and Islands. With only one day’s experience she carefully colour matched each yarn to a […]
Weaving lessons can be creative. Just look at this first weaving by Dee. Weaving on her neat little laptop loom (12″Ashford Knitters Loom), she chose Ashford’s Tekapo yarn as the warp and weft. Tekapo is a beautifully bouncy yarn with good stretching properties – just right for the rigid heddle looms which can be warped up […]
Weaving on Knitters Loom at Knuston Hall last weekend was a huge success – so much so that the next course will be in January. The course was for complete beginners and included candlewick, pick up sticks and colour theory. Ruth started this piece after making her first sample – although only her second piece of work, the edges […]
I am giving a long draw spinning demonstration and talk at the Leicester Guild this Saturday – spinning on the new Kiwi Superflyer, Country Spinner, Charka, e-spinner, Joy with Freedom flyer as well as my beloved double band drive Leicester Wheel made by James Williamson in 1981. Yesterday I received this lovely email from Jane Radford […]
Jane inspired us all last week with this Manx Loachtan rug; it was spun on the Country Spinner and then woven on a peg loom. Glorious.
I got my yarn twisted round the bobbin and flyer when demonstrating at Fernie Country Fair on Sunday because I was enthralled with the music and display of these JCBs – it was superbly choreographed –
A new weaver plans to use this log as her inspiration and thought she may have to do some dyeing but we have yarns, and colours to suit everyone …..
one of my students wants to use this lichen on bark that is growing on her terrance as the inspiration for her weaving next week….the course is fully booked but will be repeated at Knuston Hall later in the year
Ruth is learning to spin raw fleece ready for when her Leicester long wool sheep are shorn in June, she plans to make rugs on the peg loom. There was plenty of help at Woolly day
you can make a cushion cover in shades to match your chair in just two days at my Weaving for Beginners course in February 2014 – see events – In this one I started with a new ball of wool from Uppingham yarns and wove in left over handspun yarns, bits of silk and slivers […]