Dyeing for a weekend is a development of my workshops at Loddington. See Events page .A day is just not enough, so I am currently planning my first weekend SpinAway Retreat there from 10-12th February for spinners, weavers, felters and dyers. Although you may be DYING for a weekend away, you don’t have to DYE all the […]
Summer school on Thursday was about structure in spinning and weaving. We made boucle yarn, and did lots of weaving on knitters looms.
Colour skills at Leicester Guild was a happy day yesterday. I did a mini workshop called ‘Tints, Tones and Shades – a module of my Manage-Colour-before-it-Manages-You Workshop which take place in June. Tints Tones and Shades (TTS) is a basic colour skill that is useful when you have fibre or singles that is too Vibrant, too Dull, […]
Art Yarn: What is it? is a question I’m often asked, followed by ‘What do you do with it? Over the next few months I hope to answer these questions in a practical way at my Tuesday Workshops. We know art yarn when we see it, but to define art yarn we need an understanding of what we […]
Woolly socks day this coming Saturday at Loddington LE7 9XE. Wear your woolly socks and join the photoshoot, bring your knitting, spinning, weaving or craft and treat yourself to some quality time with like minded people – and join the sock parade! You don’t have to be an expert – most people are just learning and you […]
Another lady was awarded a Long Draw Spinner rosette yesterday – that is five this month! She made a two hour drive with her Golding wheel called Bob. It is a really crafted work – just beautiful to touch, let alone spin on. Not often anyone learns so quickly but three ladies have done so this […]
These two young men soon got to grips with the drop spindle at Open Farm Sunday- and bought one each!
Ruth is learning to spin raw fleece ready for when her Leicester long wool sheep are shorn in June, she plans to make rugs on the peg loom. There was plenty of help at Woolly day
Julia was spinning a lovely art yarn at Woolly Day last Saturday – the colours are set off agains her new Ashford wheel
This Saturday you can inspire or be inspired in an inspiring place with inspiring people. No need to book, just turn up. Never been before? Then we’d love to see you at Woolly Day this Saturday (4th Saturday in March already!) Bring something woolly, or just come along for a good lunch and meet woolly […]
The weather was so lovely on Tuesday that some spinners moved out of doors – the area is perfect for spinners – the seats are at just the right height. We ate out lunch out of doors for the first time ever – and it is only March!
There is a workroom on the left and rooms can be divided off with concertina walls. There is Wifi! In the entrance area there is a wide hatch through to the kitchen. It is light and airy and very inspiring. we hope to meet here on Woolly days next year.
see events page for a map- To get there eave the A47 Peterborough/Uppingham to Leicester road at East Norton, go 1.5 miles to Loddington; when you get to Loddington T junction the house facing you is where our lovely Weaving room is – courtesy of Frances. Turn right towards Launde and the visitor centre is […]