Dyeing for a weekend is a development of my workshops at Loddington. See Events page .A day is just not enough, so I am currently planning my first weekend SpinAway Retreat there from 10-12th February for spinners, weavers, felters and dyers. Although you may be DYING for a weekend away, you don’t have to DYE all the […]
This is a BIG THANK YOU to you all at Summer School! Val and I found these beautiful feathers in one of my fields = inspiration! We acquired a Jacob fleece at the Summer School and I had an intro to flick carding at Knuston Hall, so my half of the Jacob got flick carded […]
I am giving a long draw spinning demonstration and talk at the Leicester Guild this Saturday – spinning on the new Kiwi Superflyer, Country Spinner, Charka, e-spinner, Joy with Freedom flyer as well as my beloved double band drive Leicester Wheel made by James Williamson in 1981. Yesterday I received this lovely email from Jane Radford […]
Jane inspired us all last week with this Manx Loachtan rug; it was spun on the Country Spinner and then woven on a peg loom. Glorious.
These two young men soon got to grips with the drop spindle at Open Farm Sunday- and bought one each!
A new weaver plans to use this log as her inspiration and thought she may have to do some dyeing but we have yarns, and colours to suit everyone …..
Ruth is learning to spin raw fleece ready for when her Leicester long wool sheep are shorn in June, she plans to make rugs on the peg loom. There was plenty of help at Woolly day
Julia was spinning a lovely art yarn at Woolly Day last Saturday – the colours are set off agains her new Ashford wheel
Here is Ruth making rug yarn on her second lesson at Woolly day 22nd Feb. She is making a lovely long draw, straight from the fleece on only her second lesson. She is a busy farmer’s wife and wants to learn how to make rugs from her own Leicester Longwool fleece. Some rugs will be […]
My weaving friend Judith from France loved the Country spinner when she visited me recently. It will be one of the many wheels we will be using on Tuesday at the workshop – see events