Makitfair on Sunday Peterborough

Makitfair on Sunday will be my first exhibition at Peterborough Showground. A great place for fibre and textile artists of all sorts, lacemakers, knitters, weavers, as well as spinners.  Try the Superflyer for Big Yarn and my unique new Table Carder from Golden Fleece, for easy carding and blending.  I’ll be showing my range of spinning, weaving and carding equipment, and you can try out the wheels looms and carders in a relaxed and sumptuous setting with myself, Frances and Jane to help and advise. As well as Ashford wheels, looms and equipment and Golden Fleece carders and blending boards,  I will have the new Churro fleece direct from the Navajo reservation, Arizona and my unique hand-prepared range of fibres for spinning and felting from FleecyBusiness. Try out the latest Kiwi2 Superflyer for BIG yarns, the BIG blending board, and  the handy ‘laptop’ Knitters loom. And be the first to use my unique new  Table Carder from Golden Fleece.

If you have a pilling problem with your handmade yarn then the Table Carder will solve it….I’ll show you how on Sunday….