Today is Lady Day, traditionally the day peasants were hired and tenants paid their rent. Also, in Medieval times, no-one was ever allowed to leave their parish; absconders were pursued and punished. Travel was never an option in those days. But the same sun shone then as it is doing now on this, the world’s first, Lady Day in Lockdown. The day has its blessings…maybe I cant go anywhere but I have more freedom than ever in my life. Freedom to just Be.
My attention is on Now, today, this glorious moment when I feel OK. I have everything I really need at this very moment. So I am just ‘Being’ in the moment, and relishing the privilege of sharing my thoughts with you. Thank you for reading so far.
There is no need for a TO DO list in my life any more. I have space in my head for all that I need to do today. Space to live in the moment….Suddenly life is so easy….
The sun was shining on my knitting this morning. It is my own dyeing and spinning, and my own design. Am down to the last bobbin so will have to start dyeing again soon
My Spinningschool on-line coffee-morning experiments (for my many spinners and pupils who may be missing our regular meetings) have gone well – thank you Gillian, Judith, Frances, Lucy and Jane for your help. The plan is to be ‘open for coffee and chat (bring your own coffee!) from 11-11.40 every weekday starting tomorrow….