Knitting on the Nene

Knitting on the Nene. No better place to be than this lovely little backwater where I stayed overnight on Saturday evening – in spite of the weather forecast which was for rain. No rain fell until Sunday morning. And early in the morning I sat out in the cockpit with my knitting and some fresh coffee. No-one but me and then, along came Seven Cygnets a Swimming, accompanied by their parents. I think some may have been adopted as seven seems quite a brood. It made a lovely sight. They arrived silently and cruised on by without a sound and hardly a ripple on the water.
Also on the river was a kingfisher which I didn’t see until something plopped into the river in front of me and flew off again. It settled on a nearby boat and I watched intently…sure enough…it was a kingfisher and there was another splash followed by a glorious flash of colour as it skimmed down the river about 2 feet above the surface. Magic moments. Seven Swans a Swimming, Six Geese a laying, Five G-old rings…too early for Christmas and too slow for a photo of Flashy the kingfisher