Knitters loom samples

Knitters loom samples are like a magnet – the colours and textures mingling into scrumptious bags, table runners, scarves and cushions – you can never resist looking at them. These are by Frances Francis; I took the picture when her son Michael  came to collect them from my studio. Frances was due to help at my last beginners weaving course at Knuston Hall in November but was not well enough to stay – she did visit however and met two other Frances’s who were there. As Frances’ surname is Francis – we had four Frances’s  present with three people. That doesn’t happen often! My next weaving course is at the end of January at Loddington for beginners and improvers –  we will be making ponchos – all in one piece of weaving, as well as exploring different fringes, binding off and otherwise ending a piece of weaving. IMG_0852

Pat's piano strings
Pat’s piano strings
Jane's Seascape
Jane’s Seascape