Greta Garbo scarf by Julie

Some are daunted by lace knitting believing it too complicated to even try. Such a shame because lace, like all knitting is just a series of knit stitches and purl stitches. The most difficult thing is finding a quiet time when you are able to concentrate undisturbed by children, partners chores etc. It does require concentration and probably shouldn’t be tackled while chatting to friends over a few glasses of wine.
Recently I was lucky enough to have some quiet time and a wonderful book; “Knitted Lace Of Estonia” by Nancy Bush. I’m fascinated by the history and culture of knitting and this book has plenty of that. It also has several patterns for lace stoles, shawls and scarves but my favourite bit is the library of stitch patterns and motifs, a great resource to pick and mix and use in your own creations.
The heart motif in this scarf is called Greta Garbo, it was created by the Estonian lace knitters in the 1930’s to give to Greta Garbo in the hope that she would wear it and create a fashion for Estonian knitted lace. The book doesn’t say whether she wore it or not. Was there a great demand of this kind of thing in the 30’s and 40’s?
When the knitting is done, you are left with a very unpromising lump, like an old discarded rag or dishcloth. The trick is in the blocking, it transforms that ugly tangle beyond expectations into something light and airy and beautiful. Like a butterfly.

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